The Custom Process

Style Meets Cloth
Enjoy a cup of tea or glass of wine,
and peruse our many beautiful jacket,
skirt, pant, and dress styles.
We'll talk about your life, your needs, your style.
You’ll feel the immediate difference in quality
of our stunning collections of European
fabrics available to you.
Any style can be in any fabric.
Any combination of styles can be put together
in a marvelous ensemble
you won’t see on anyone else.
Once we get to know you, we have an
uncanny ability to recommend just
the perfect three season wool,
colorful and feminine boucle, or novelty woven
you’ve been dreaming of and style it
it in the most flattering style just for you.
You've Got Options
Change a trim or stitching treatment
Add a sleeve
Take away a sleeve
Change a slim fit sheath to an A-Line
Or whatever line fits you best
Never an issue
When your patterns are hand-made
Necklines are shaped to frame your face
Or your signature heirloom
Never settle
Custom means the tyranny of
what's good for the fashion industry,
vs what works for you
is over.

Architectured for
You Alone
In the tradition of custom tailoring, it is said
“It is far easier to take
the measurements of the body
than the measurements of the mind”
Our seasoned patternmakers
(often called “cutters” in Bespoke Tailoring)
architect your pattern to express
your desired fit,
align it with your movement
and posture,
while their highly trained eyes
create the most flattering style lines for you
The result: one of the most
comfortable and complimentary
garments you’ll wear
Heritage Craftsmanship
Our process is not highly automated or machine-driven.
Each garment is made primarily by
one tailor with the help of a hand-finisher.
This holistic approach allows us to
insure quality at every step.
All garments are hand cut
one at a time to ensure perfect matching
and hand-pressed to allow
subtle shaping of a experienced tailor’s hand.
We choose to make custom clothes
one at a time,
with impeccable, artisanal craftsmanship
because they are beautiful,
and afford you lasting investment quality